CfP: translatologický kongres v Bratislavě a studentská konfernce v Budapešti

Ve dňoch 1.- 2. júna 2017 sa na pôde Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave bude konať medzinárodný translatologický kongres pod názvom „Quo vadis, právny preklad“, na ktorý Vás srdečne pozývame. Kongres organizuje riešiteľský kolektív Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského a Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Mateja Bela v rámci projektu APVV Od konvencií k normám prekladu v právnom diskurze.

Tematické zamerania príspevkov:
 Právny preklad
 Právny preklad z a do málo rozšírených jazykov
 Konvencie a normy v právnom preklade
 Úradný preklad
 Výučba právneho prekladu
 Právna terminológia
 Právna terminológia málo rozšírených jazykov

Ak máte záujem o prezentáciu príspevku na tomto kongrese, prosíme Vás o vyplnenie prihlášky na stránke, kde je možné vložiť abstrakt v rozsahu max. 900 znakov.
Uvítame príspevky v nemeckom, anglickom, slovenskom a českom jazyku. Jazyk Vášho abstraktu sa bude považovať za jazyk, v ktorom budete prezentovať príspevok. Výber prednášajúcich oznámime do 30. apríla 2017.
Účasť na kongrese je možná aj bez príspevku, v tomto prípade Vás prosíme o vyplnenie prihlášky najneskôr 15. mája 2017.
Pri skorej platbe (do konca marca 2017) je cena pre bežného účastníka 35 eur, študenti FiF UK bez kong. poplatku, doktorandi 20 eur.
Pri platbe od 1.4. 2017 do 15.5. 2017 je cena pre bežného účastníka 40 eur, študenti FiF UK bez kong. poplatku, doktorandi 30 eur.

Pozvánka na kongres Congress_Invitation

Bližšie informácie o kongrese nájdete na stránke:

We invite you to the International Congress in Translatology under the title: Quo Vadis, Legal Translation? that will take place at the Faculty of Art of the Comenius University from 1st – 2nd June 2017. The Congress is organised by the project team of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius-University and of the Faculty of Arts of Matej-Bel-University as a part of the project From Conventions to Norms of the Translation in the Legal Discourse funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency.

If you are interested in the presentation of your paper at the Congress, please fill in the Registration form at You can include your abstract in the registration form (max. 900 charakters). The proposals in German, English, Slovak and Czech language are welcomed.
Presenting participants are obliged to fill in the Registration form. The language of your presentation has to correspond to the language of your abstract. The authors will be notified about the acceptance of their proposals by the end of April 2017.
Non-presenting participants are obliged to fill in the registration form by 15th May 2017.

The fee is 35€ (if paid by the end of March 2017), students of Bachelor and Master Programmes of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University are not obliged to pay the fee, fee for PhD. students is 20€. The congress fee processed in the period from 1 st April to 15 th May is 50€, students of Bachelor and Master Programmes of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University are not obliged to pay the fee, fee for PhD. students is 30€.

The Congress Invitation is attached to this e-mail. The details for the congress can be found at:

7th Conference For Young Slavists In Budapest (BUDAPEST, 11th MAY 2017)

The 7th Conference for Young Slavists in Budapest will be held on 11th May 2017 in the Institute of Slavonic and Baltic Philology (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities). The conference is an opportunity for young graduate and PhD students of the fields of Slavonic languages, literatures, history and culture to meet and present their new findings in these topics. We invite students and members of Slavonic departments in Hungary and from abroad to participate. The working languages of the conference are any Slavonic language, English or German. Presented works will be published in an online academic journal.
Each presenter must specify the name of a reviewer (at least the rank of associate professor) in his/her application form. The reviewer must confirm that he/she has read the presentation and recommends it for publication. Applications without a reviewer’s recommendation will not be taken into consideration.
5000 HUF (approximately 15 EU) will be charged for participation in the conference. The conference fee must be paid at registration in Budapest. The conference is free for students of Eötvös Loránd University.
The application form must include two abstracts, in the language of presentation and English.
The application form must be submitted electronically to no later than 31th March 2017.
Applicants will be informed whether their topic and application have been accepted by 05th April 2017.
Participants will receive the official and detailed programme of the conference by 05th May 2017.
The final versions of conference presentations intended for publication in the conference proceedings must be submitted in electronic form to the e-mail address no later than 30th June 2017.
We declare that the organisers do not possess the capacity to reimburse any travel, accommodation and food related expenses. The participants and organizers will share a common meal after the conferernce. Following the conference we invite you to a group sightseeing of Budapest 12th May.

Application form SZHBK 2017

Call for participation SZHBK 2017