Educational accreditation

South East European Studies

(For students, who  started academic year in 2007/2008 or later)
Study programme Study programme type Time of programme Study Subject Name Accreditation validity
Philology B 3
South East European Studies
(single-subject and double-subject study)
1. 3. 2017 (both)
Philology M follow-up  programme
South East European Studies
(single-subject and double-subject study)
 31. 12. 2021 (both)
Philology M 5

expiring preBologna type of studies – Slavonic studies – bulgarian, croatian, macedonian, serbian, slovenian and slavic studies (single-subject and double-subject study

31. 10. 2016
Rumanian studies M 5 expiring preBologna type of studies – Rumanian language and literature (single-subject and double-subject study)  31. 12. 2012

Post-Master’s (PhD.) studies – Slavonic philology; Slavonic literature

Study programme Study programme type Time of programme Study Subject Name Accreditation validity
Philology D 3
Slavonic philology
31. 12. 2017
Philology D 3
Slavonic literatures
31. 12. 2017
[1] By the end of the accreditation’s validity it is necessary to fulfill all study obligations including the defense of the thesis and the oral part of the final examination.


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