Zveme Vás na přednášky prof. Marka Stabeje 28. a 1. 3. 2017

Katedra jihoslovanských studií srdečně zve na translatologické přednášky prof. dr. Marka Stabeje  ve dnech 28. 2. a 1. 3. 2017. Profesor Stabej je jedním z předních slovinských slovenistů a je předsedou Centra za slovenščino kot drugi in tuji jezik. Specializuje se na sociologvistiku slovinského jazyka, stylistiku a korpusovou lingvistiku.

V úterý 28.2. 2017 v místnosti 23 proběhnou dvě přednášky ve slovinském jazyce a ve středu 1. 3 2017, v rámci doktorského semiáře prof. Gladkové v místnosti 308A, bude proslovena přednáška v anglickém jazyce.

Program hostování:

ÚTERÝ 28. 2. 2017 (MÍSTNOST 23):

14:10–15:40: Slovenščina od reformacije do digitalizacje,

15:50–17:20: Slovenščina med svetostjo in svetovnostjo.

STŘEDA 1. 3. 2017 (MÍSTNOST 308A):

17:00-19:30: There’s No First Language Without a Second One (Slovene as a second and foreign language: an overwiev)

The whole professional field of the Slovene as a second and foreign language has been rapidly growing after the Slovene independence in 1991, although it has not yet been effectively and efficiently included in the educational and administrative system of Republic of Slovenia. One of the main obstacles in this process is a specific version of Slovene monolingual language ideology, an inherent belief of the speakers that Slovene language is basically for Slovenes only. As inappropriate as it may sound, it still blocks the political decisions concerning speakers of Slovene as a second and foreign language and their inclusion into Slovene speech community.

In last years the migration processes have sped up a bit the broader awarenes of necessity to provide an appropriate infrastructure for teaching, assesing and certifying Slovene as a second and foreign language. The Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language (http://centerslo.si/) which operates under the auspices of the Department of Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, is the central organisation in the field of Slovene as a second and foreign language. Through its eight programmes it meets all the vital needs of the field as well as promotes Slovene language and Slovene Studies internationally. The lecture will present and discuss the main short- and long-term goals of the Center.